Explore a Huge Range of Chessboards to Find the Right One for You

For as long as modern humans have been around, we have been looking for ways to entertain ourselves. Throughout the world, every culture has had games that they passed down from generation to generation, the rules and structure being changed gradually over time. Chess is one of the games that has been passed around the globe in many different iterations, experiencing many changes throughout the ages. There is speculation that chess could be as old as fifteen hundred years old and played from India to Europe to the New World. Most of us have played chess a few times in our lives, while some of us have played for many years. If you are a chess enthusiast, you might enjoy playing regularly and even studying how to become better. If you are really serious, you might even have joined a league or a local chess club to hone your skills and learn more. Whatever your skill level and enthusiasm, it is fun to shop chessboards to find the right fit for your home.

There are as many styles of chessboards as there are players! You can find boards and pieces made from themes from nearly every majorly popular movie and game franchise, as well as boards inside of globes, fantasy boards, animal boards and beyond. In addition to themed boards, you can also get beautiful glass boards, hand-carved wooden boards, metal boards and beyond. The perfect board for you is the one that inspires you, that you enjoy playing on!

If you are looking for something really novel, though, that can be easily played in any room in your home or office, there is nothing better than a straight up chess board. Rather than playing on a flat surface, a straight up board is designed to be played vertically. Once you attach your decorative vertical chess board to the wall, it is both an easy place to play chess and a decorative piece of art. These kinds of boards come in a huge range of styles to fit your décor, too. Start by picking out the color that is going to best fit your décor, whether that’s warm red cherry wood, striking black walnut or any other beautiful wood. Then pair your new board with the best chess piece set, whether that’s metal, ebony or resin. A straight up board is going to make a fantastic addition to any room’s décor and to your chess obsession!