Make Game Night Special with a Large Peg Cribbage Board

Is there anything better than playing games with the people you like best? If you are like us, you can’t wait to end a busy day relaxing with your favorite casual games with your friends or family, whether it’s a quick game before dinner or a slow game with a glass of wine. And there are so many different kinds of games out there, you are certain to find many that fit your tastes and are fun for you to play again and again. If cribbage is a game that you love to play, or if you have been thinking about trying it out, it’s definitely worth it to shop around for a game board that is going to look great on your gaming table and make playing even more satisfying. If you like to be able to easily see your pieces and board without strain, we can’t recommend a handmade large peg cribbage board highly enough.

Cribbage boards come in all shapes and sizes, of course. For enthusiasts, it’s a great idea to invest in a board that is going to look fantastic and feel great to use, which is why it’s so important to get a handmade board that is lovingly crafted by an expert who loves the game. Take your time browsing around to find the wood and finish that best suits your style so that your cribbage board is something you can be proud to display. You can even get a customizable board with details like your family name. Explore different features to make your board even more use, too! Many boards come with storage inside the board for your pegs. Attractive boards may also come with a hanger cut into the back to give you a place to hang up your board on the wall of your gaming area as a decoration.

A large peg cribbage board is great for anyone who wants to make it easier to see the game. So if you like to play in relaxing low lighting, like out on the patio around your fire pit, this is a great fit for you. When you are shopping around for your next cribbage board, make sure that you put craftsmanship first to ensure that you get a board that you love enough to display and that is easy and fun for you to play on. If you know you want a new board but aren’t sure where to start shopping, we are always ready and willing to help you find the right fit for your next game night!

Why Cribbage Boards Are a Must-Have for Any Home

Are you looking for the perfect addition to your game room or living space? Look no further than a cribbage board! Cribbage is a classic card game that has been around for centuries, and a beautiful cribbage board can add both functionality and aesthetic appeal to your home. In this blog post, we will explore why cribbage boards are a must-have for any home and provide insight into what to look for when choosing the perfect cribbage board.

Fun for All Ages

Cribbage is a game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, making it a great investment for any household. Whether you are looking for a way to spend quality time with family members or want to entertain guests at your next party, a cribbage board is a versatile addition that is sure to bring hours of fun and enjoyment.

Beautiful Art Pieces

Cribbage boards come in a variety of styles and materials, making them not only functional but also beautiful art pieces. From rustic wooden boards to sleek metal designs, cribbage boards can add a touch of personality and style to your home décor. You can even choose a board that matches the aesthetic of your game room or living space for a cohesive look that is sure to impress.

Compact and Portable

Cribbage boards are small and compact, which makes them a space-saving addition to any home. They are also highly portable, which means you can take them on the go and play with friends and family while traveling or camping. Cribbage is a great way to pass the time and have fun no matter where you are, and a cribbage board will make it easy to do so.

Great for Mental Stimulation

Cribbage is a mental game that requires focus, strategy, and calculation. Playing cribbage on a regular basis can help improve your cognitive function and keep your mind sharp. It is also a great way to unwind after a long day at work or school, making it a healthy and rewarding addition to your daily routine.


In conclusion, cribbage boards are a must-have for any home for their versatility, beauty, portability, and mental stimulation benefits. When choosing a cribbage board, be sure to consider the style and material of the board, as well as its portability and functionality. With a cribbage board in your home, you are sure to have an enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience that will last a lifetime. So what are you waiting for? Add a cribbage board to your game room or living space today!

Cribbage Boards: The Perfect Gift for any Card Game Enthusiast

Are you searching for the perfect gift for a card game lover in your life? Look no further than a cribbage board! Cribbage is a beloved game that has been enjoyed for centuries by players of all ages and skill levels. A cribbage board is a beautiful and functional accessory that enhances the playing experience and makes for a memorable gift. In this blog post, we will explore the history of cribbage and how cribbage boards have evolved over time. We will also discuss the various types of cribbage boards available today, what features to look for when choosing a cribbage board, and where to find the perfect one for your loved one.

Cribbage is a card game that has been played for centuries. It originated in England in the 17th century and has since spread around the world. The game is typically played with a standard deck of 52 cards and a cribbage board. The objective is to be the first player to score 121 points by pegging along the board’s track.

The earliest cribbage boards were simple holes drilled into a piece of wood, but as the game grew in popularity, more elaborate boards were created. Cribbage boards became popular souvenirs and gifts, often decorated with whimsical designs or hand-carved details.

Today, cribbage boards are crafted from a variety of materials, including wood, metal, and even plastic. Wood is the most popular material for cribbage boards, as it provides a warm and natural feel that complements the game’s traditional roots. Some wood varieties commonly used for cribbage boards include maple, oak, cherry, and walnut.

When choosing a cribbage board, there are several factors to consider. First, consider the size of the board. Cribbage boards range in size from small travel boards to large tabletop boards. Next, look for a board with clear and distinct markings that are easy to read. Some boards also include additional features, such as a storage compartment for cards and pegs or a built-in scoring system.

Finally, when selecting a cribbage board, consider the personal preferences of the recipient. There are countless designs available, from antique-style boards to contemporary designs. Choose a board that matches the player’s personality and style, whether they prefer a rustic and natural look or a modern and sleek design.


In conclusion, if you know a card game enthusiast, a cribbage board is a perfect gift for them. Cribbage is a game with a rich history and a loyal following, and a beautiful and functional cribbage board is the perfect accessory to enhance the playing experience. Whether you choose a traditional wood board or an out-of-the-box design, your loved one will appreciate the thought and effort you put into finding the perfect cribbage board for them.

Everything You Need to Know About Cribbage Boards

Cribbage boards are a great way to bring friends and family together in an entertaining and educational way. Not only do they provide hours of fun and stimulating competition, but they also provide an opportunity to learn more about the game itself. Whether you’re just looking for a new hobby or you’re an avid cribbage player, understanding the different types of boards available can help you make the best purchase decision possible.

Types of Cribbage Boards

The type of cribbage board you choose will depend on a few factors, such as the number of players, the type of game you’re playing, and your budget. Here are the most common types of cribbage boards:

  • Standard Boards: Standard cribbage boards are the most common type of board and can accommodate two to four players. They usually feature two rows of holes, which are used to keep track of scores and are typically made of wood or plastic.
  • Travel Boards: Travel boards are smaller than standard boards and are designed to be more portable. They are typically made of lightweight plastic and feature small pegs for score-keeping.
  • Magnetic Boards: Magnetic boards are becoming increasingly popular with cribbage players. They feature magnets under the board to hold the pegs in place, making them ideal for travel.
  • Vintage Boards: Vintage boards are great for collectors or those looking for a conversation piece. They typically feature intricate designs and are made of wood or metal.

Characteristics of a Good Cribbage Board

When shopping for a cribbage board, it’s important to consider the following characteristics:

  • Durability: Look for a board that is made of sturdy materials and won’t break or chip easily.
  • Size: Consider the size of the board and the number of players it can accommodate.
  • Design: Look for a board with a design that you like. There are a variety of designs to choose from, so you’re sure to find one that suits your style.
  • Price: Consider your budget when shopping for a board. There is a wide range of prices, so you should be able to find one that fits your needs.

Where to Buy a Cribbage Board

When shopping for a cribbage board, you have several options. You can purchase one from a local game store, a specialty store, or an online retailer. Each option has its own advantages, so be sure to consider all of them before making a purchase.Local Game Store: Shopping at a local game store gives you the opportunity to look at and handle the boards before you buy. This is a great way to get a feel for the board and make sure it’s the right one for you.Specialty Store: If you’re looking for a more unique board, a specialty store may be the best option. They typically carry a wider selection of boards, including vintage and custom designs.Online Retailer: Shopping online gives you access to a much larger selection of boards and often at a lower price. Plus, you can have them delivered right to your door.


Cribbage boards are a great way to bring friends and family together for an entertaining and educational game. With so many types of boards available, it’s important to consider the number of players, the type of game, and your budget when making a purchase. You can find a great board at your local game store, online retailer, or specialty store. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up a board and get ready for a great game of cribbage!

Everything You Need To Know About Cribbage Boards

Are you looking for a great gift for the card player in your life? A cribbage board just might be the perfect solution. Cribbage is a classic game that has been around since the 17th century and continues to be a popular pastime today. Not only do cribbage boards provide hours of entertainment and fun, but they can also double as decorative pieces in any home. Let’s take a look at what makes these boards so special.

The History of Cribbage Boards

The history of cribbage boards dates back to the 17th century when Sir John Suckling invented the game as we know it today. Since then, woodworkers have crafted various types of handcrafted cribbage boards out of wood, metal, and even plastic materials. Today, these boards come in many different shapes and styles with varying levels of complexity in terms of design and features. For example, some are made from solid wood with intricate carvings while others are simpler designs with basic scoring holes.

What Is The Point Of A Cribbage Board?

A cribbage board is an essential part of playing this classic card game. The board is used to keep track of each player’s score during gameplay by using pegs placed into special holes on the board. The number and size of these holes vary depending on the type of board you choose; some feature up to six rows while others may only have four or five. Additionally, some boards have additional features such as special markers to indicate which player is winning or losing at any given moment during playtime.


Whether you are looking for something fun to do with friends or family or need a unique gift for someone special in your life, consider buying them a custom-made cribbage board! With its intricate designs and multiple features, it can provide hours of entertainment for years to come! Plus, many people use them as decorative pieces in their homes as well—so if you want to spruce up your living space with something unique and timelessly stylish, this could be your perfect solution! Shop around today to find the best cribbage board that fits your needs!

Everything You Need to Know about Travel Cribbage Boards

Cribbage is a modified form of a card game played using pegs and a board to keep score. It was first played in the 17th Century as a derivative of the game called Noddy. Cribbage has been played for centuries and is an integral part of American culture. However, despite its longtime existence, Cribbage doesn’t have many devoted followers. Those who do follow the game will do anything to stay hooked to the game; this is where the Travel Cribbage Boards come in. Available in a wide variety – 2-inch metal pegs to standard size pegs – you can get Travel Cribbage Boards from Straight Up Chess customized according to your needs as well.

Standard Travel Cribbage Boards comprise of a 2-track cribbage board with swivel compartments, a deck of cards, four metal pegs (2 silver and two gold), a history and instruction manual and a swivel top that opens to reveal the storage compartment holding the pegs and cards. In order to play on Travel Cribbage Boards, you need practice, devotion and skills, which involves scoring points for the runs of sequential cards based on triples, pairs, quadruples, combinations of 15 and flushes. Part of what makes the Cribbage game so unique is the board that is used to play it. Most Travel Cribbage Boards comprise a neatly created track with 121 peg holes, which are used to score points. In simpler words, with every point that players score, they move their pegs in the corresponding number of holes until one player reaches the last hole and wins the game.

Ideally, a game of Travel Cribbage Boards can be played between 2 to 6 people; this can either be two- or three two-person teams or two to three individuals. Moreover, while the gameplay and scoring techniques remain the same regardless of what type of board you are playing on, know that Travel Cribbage Boards vary greatly in design and style. The most common type of Travel Cribbage Boards features a solid yet foldable design rectangular board with two to three tracks that wind around the board, curving twice, a storage compartment and pegs. While some Travel Cribbage Boards might have the same colored tracks, you can also opt for boards having tracks corresponding to the color of the pegs – this makes it easier to keep track of your score. At Straight Up Chess, you can find Travel Cribbage Boards available in a wide variety of styles. So, whether you want a board with a wooden base or a plastic one, a classic design or a creative one, Travel Cribbage Boards from Straight Up Chess have got you covered.

Classic Fun with a Cribbage Board

A lot of people like to have games as both a conversation starter and a decorative touch on their coffee table. For example, a beautiful chess set is a great thing to have displayed in full glory in the middle of your coffee table, but absolutely available for a game to be played or for people to learn the rules. Other people also like checkers because it is an easy game and the pieces are easy to stack and put together. Another great game to have displayed is cribbage. Cribbage is not as popular as chess or checkers, but it is still a old and classic game that still finds relevance in small circles. If anything, Cribbage is the newest classic game to get popular. Furthermore, a cribbage board is very different from an ordinary chess and checkers board and can have intricate designs with the holes or have carved images on the covers. Having a cribbage board on your coffee table is going to be what sets you apart from other homes, but also give you that touch of class that can elevate your style.

Even if you did not grow up playing cribbage, there is no reason why you shouldn’t take a look and see if you can pick up the rules. Not all classic games are as convoluted and complicated as chess. For most games, they have very repetitive steps and are meant to be played while relaxing and taking it easy. Furthermore, classic games give people of all ages the ability the play. Older folks may have grown up playing games like cribbage, and younger people are finding that classic games are making a comeback, especially at dive bars and breweries. It is the best way to impress your friends!

For those that want to add a touch of classic and vintage style to their homes, adding a cribbage game is the best way to not look so generic and have something that is a littler different, but still familiar. When you have something fun, but classic on your coffee table, you can create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere even if your guests don’t know how to play.

Replace Your Old Board with a Beautiful Large Pet Cribbage Board

Are boardgames a big part of how your family likes to have fun? During the long, dreary winter months, it’s so important to have forms of entertainment that helps your family come together to have a good time. Not only does it help to pass the time, it also ensures that your family has a chance to bond and spend time connecting. There are many different styles of board games out there and more are being made every day, helping to keep kids and adults alike interested in games that help to keep your mind sharp even while they engage your imagination. Sometimes, though, it’s also fun to go back to the classics that have been around for so long because of how timeless they are. Chess is one classic boardgame that will never go out of style, as is checkers. If your family loves cribbage, winter is the best time to teach the next generation about this awesome card game, when you can snuggle up in your favorite blankets, turn on the fire, enjoy a hot cocoa and play. A beautiful large peg cribbage board is going to help you to play in comfort and in style.

Choosing the right cribbage board is a process that can be enjoyable! After all, a top-quality board is one that is going to last your family for years to come; it should be one that you think is attractive and easy to use. A cribbage board with large pegs is great for a home board because it easier to use than a smaller travel board will small pegs. When you are shopping, you should look for a board that offers consistent spacing between the holes and the holes should also be carefully trimmed around the top to ensure that they are perfect for playing cribbage. Getting a board that has space for the pegs to be stored in the back is also a great idea of easy storage, ensuring you won’t lose track of any of the playing pieces.

A cribbage board that you love is also going to be attractive. You can get cribbage boards with beautiful illustrations on them, like aspens or birches, that are a real pleasure to play on. Some boards are pretty enough that you can even hang them up when they aren’t in use. This is a great way to decorate your family area or your gaming room, ensuring that your board is always within easy reach. Have fun playing on your new board!

A Travel Cribbage Board Makes Vacations Even More Fun

When you are on a vacation with family, you go into it hoping for everything to be nonstop fun. Optimism tells you that though there are going to be a few pitfalls along the way, if you plan things well you can hope that most of your travel time is going to be unhurried, relaxing and on schedule. More often that not, though, life has other plans! Even on the best-planned trips you can expect to have downtime in airports waiting on planes, in hotel lobbies waiting on rooms to be cleaned and in diners waiting for your food to arrive. To keep everyone occupied, it’s important to bring along plenty of entertainment. Entertainment for traveling can include hand-held gaming consoles, cards for games and plenty of reading material. For cribbage lovers, a quality travel cribbage board means that you can take your favorite game with you wherever you go!

Carrying along your cribbage board means that you always have a backup plan, no matter what hiccups come along in your travel plans. Whether you are waiting for your rental car to be ready, spending time in a coffee shop while you wait for a storm to blow over or winding down after a long day of being a tourist, you always have something to keep yourself and your spouse occupied. If you haven’t tried cribbage before but are looking for something new that is easy to take along with you wherever your adventures take you, this game is it!

A quality travel cribbage board is going to be compact and easy to tuck into your carryon backpack or purse without being so small that it’s hard to use easily. Look for a board that comes in two halves so that it can be folded down to half the size. Really great travel boards are going to be held together with magnets that act as a hinge and contain your cards and pegs inside. Even travel boards are going to look fabulous and be made from a strong, smooth wood and carefully painted. While you are shopping for your travel board, consider getting one that comes with a velvet case that is going to keep everything contained while also protecting your board from any dings while you travel. Carrying your own cribbage board gives you all of the distraction you are going to need during any layover on your next relaxing family vacation.

Enjoying Your New Cribbage Board

Are you a fan of Cribbage? Are you looking for a new cribbage board? Then great, that is why we are here. Thank you for stopping by the blog and for reading. In today’s edition of the blog we will be going over how to use the internet to find a new cribbage board. Cribbage is a fun game that is fairly easy to learn and is enjoyed the world over. There are different styles to the game and different boards you can get to make your experience more personal and custom. If you are like many of the people around the country you’ve been stuck inside for some time now. You are likely to be there for a while longer so people are looking for things to do. One of the things that people are choosing to do is play Cribbage. This could be the best time of the year to buy games because there are so many great game makers and companies it is easy to find a new game that you will love to pay with the family.

The first thing you will need to do is search Google for cribbage boards or Cribbage. Then the top results will show up. You can then click on all of the links that interest you and find the cribbage board that you have been looking for. There are many to choose from and many different options for the set of your dreams. Make sure to sign up for any mailing lists that you find. Also look on their sites for promotions or sales that they are offering. This could help you to save money and saving money is important. After searching Google for the cribbage board you can choose to shop with one of the big stores that are out there or you can choose a small store that is family owned that something you can use and something that you will love. If you want to save time and money and find a great cribbage set, just click on the link above and go to a site that has great ones ready for you already.

Once again thank you for coming by the blog. We hope that you are able to find what you are looking for. If you find a great board, send us a picture here at the blog, we could share it in a future blog. Come back again soon for more blogs, we post them often.