The Best Way to Increase Your Chess Skills

A lot of people think that playing chess is a waste of time. They see it as an activity for people who are either “geeks,” “nerds,” or have too much free time on their hands. But the truth is, chess is a great way to improve your thinking skills, strategic planning, and problem-solving abilities. That’s why I’m a big fan of vertical chess boards.

Vertical chess boards are chess boards that are taller than they are wide. This might not sound like a big deal, but it actually makes a huge difference in the game. First of all, it allows you to see the whole board at once, which is really helpful when you’re trying to plan your next move. Second, it puts less strain on your neck and eyes, which means you can play for longer without getting tired. And third, it just looks really cool!

If you’re serious about becoming a better chess player, then I highly recommend investing in a vertical chess board. Trust me, it will make a world of difference. Here are 5 reasons why:

1) You can see the whole board at once.

2) It’s easier on your neck and eyes.

3) It looks really cool.

4) It’s a great conversation starter.

5) It will encourage you to play more often.

So, if you’re looking for a fun and effective way to increase your chess skills, then I highly recommend investing in a vertical chess board. You won’t regret it! Thanks for reading, and happy gaming!

Conclusion: While playing on traditional flat chess boards can be enjoyable, using a vertical chess board is the best way to become an even better player. Vertical boards allow you to see the whole board at once, put less strain on your neck and eyes, look great, and provide an interesting conversation starter when playing with friends. Investing in a vertical chess board can take your game up another level—so what are you waiting for? Try one today and discover the

How to Buy the Perfect Rosewood Chess Set

When it comes to choosing a chess set, there are many factors to consider. Do you want an ornate set to display on your coffee table, or a simple set that you can take with you on the go? What material do you want the pieces to be made from? And of course, what budget do you have to work with?

If you’re looking for a luxurious chess set that will make a statement, a rosewood chess set is the perfect option. Read on to learn everything you need to know about rosewood chess sets, from how to choose the right one for your needs to where to find the best deals.

What is Rosewood?

Rosewood is a type of hardwood that is prized for its beauty and durability. It ranges in color from brown to black, with darker shades being more valuable. Because of its high quality, rosewood is often used in fine furniture and musical instruments.

When it comes to chess sets, rosewood is an excellent choice because it is both beautiful and strong. A rosewood chess set will last for many years with proper care, making it a wise investment for any serious chess player.

How to Choose a Rosewood Chess Set

There are two main things to consider when choosing a rosewood chess set: the style of the pieces and the board.

Rosewood chess pieces come in a wide variety of styles, from traditional Staunton pieces to more ornate designs. The style you choose should be based on your personal preferences and whether you plan to use the set for playing or display purposes.

The board is another important consideration. You’ll want to make sure that it is made from solid wood and that the squares are the right size for the pieces you have chosen. If you plan on using your set for travel, look for a folding board that can be easily transported.

Conclusion: If you’re looking for a luxurious and long-lasting chess set, a rosewood set is the way to go. Keep in mind the style of both the pieces and the board when making your selection, and be sure to compare prices before making your purchase. With just a little bit of research, you’ll be able to find the perfect rosewood chess set for your needs.

How to Choose the Perfect Chess Set for Your Home

If you’re like most people, you probably grew up playing chess. The game of chess is one of strategy and tactics, and it’s a great way to pass the time. But what if you want to take your love of chess to the next level? What if you want to purchase a chess set for your home?

There are a few things you need to consider before you buy a chess set. First, you need to decide what material you want your chess set to be made of. There are chess sets made of plastic, wood, metal, and even glass. each material has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the material that’s right for you.

Second, you need to decide what size chess set you want. Chess sets come in all different sizes, from tiny travel sets to huge sets that are meant to be used as decoration. It’s important to choose a size that’s appropriate for the space where you’ll be using the set.

Finally, you need to decide what style of chess set you want. Do you want a traditional wooden set, or something more modern? Do you want a colorful set or one that’s more subdued? There are literally hundreds of different styles of chess sets available, so it’s important to choose one that reflects your personal taste.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, then it’s time to start shopping for your new chess set! Here are a few of our favorite places to find the perfect chess set for your home.

Camelot Chess Pieces by Italfama on a Black Cherry board with Black Gold frame:

If you’re looking for a high-quality chess set, then look no further than Camelot Chess Pieces by Italfama. This beautiful set is made of black cherry wood and features intricate gold detailing on the pieces and frame. The black cherry board is also accompanied by a black and gold storage box, making it easy to keep your pieces organized and protected when not in use. Best of all, this set is handcrafted in Italy by skilled artisans, so you can be sure that it’s built to last.


Black Gold rimmed glass Chess Set:

For those who prefer a more modern look, we suggest this black gold rimmed glass chess set. The sleek design is sure to make a statement in any home, and the tempered glass construction ensures that this set will withstand years of use. Plus, the included storage box keeps all of the pieces safe and sound when not in use. So there you have it! These are just a few of our favorite places to find the perfect chess set for your home. No matter what your budget or personal taste may be, we’re confident that you’ll be able to find a beautiful chess set that’s perfect for your home at one of these great stores.

Conclusion: So there you have it! These are just a few great places where anyone can purchase their own speciality Italian Chess Set like the Camelot Chess Pieces by Italfama on a Black Cherry board with Black Gold frame . Consider all three tips provided when narrowing down which type suits both your game style as well as personality best. With such beauty and tradition behind every finely crafted piece–selecting just one might just be harder than winning the game itself!

Vertical Chess Board: How to Play Chess in a New and Exciting Way

Do you love playing chess but get bored with the same old board? Are you looking for a new and exciting way to play chess? If so, then vertical chess boards are perfect for you! Vertical chess boards allow you to play chess in a whole new way by turning the traditional board on its side. This makes the game more challenging and fun. In this blog post, we will teach you how to play vertical chess and give you some tips on how to win!

Vertical chess boards are not only a new and exciting way to play chess, but they are also very challenging. The game is played the same as traditional chess, but the board is turned on its side. This means that you have to think about your moves differently. For example, if you want to move your queen from one side of the board to the other, you would have to go up or down instead of left or right.

There are some things you need to keep in mind when playing vertical chess. First, because the board is turned on its side, it can be difficult to see all of the pieces. This is why it is important to pay attention to where all of your pieces are at all times. Second, vertical chess is a very challenging game. If you are not careful, you can easily lose track of your pieces and make a wrong move.

Here are some tips on how to win at vertical chess:

– Pay attention to where all of your pieces are at all times. This will help you avoid making mistakes.

– Be patient and take your time. Because vertical chess is so challenging, it is important to think about your moves carefully before making them.

– Try to trap your opponent’s pieces. This can be difficult, but if you can trap their pieces, they will have a hard time making any progress in the game.

We hope that this blog post has taught you everything you need to know about vertical chess.

How to Choose the Perfect Wooden Chess Set

Are you in the market for a wooden chess set? If so, it can be tough to decide which one to buy. There are so many different options available, and each one has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the factors you should consider when choosing a wooden chess set. We will also provide a few recommendations for some of the best wooden chess sets on the market today!

What to look for when choosing a wooden chess set

When it comes to choosing a wooden chess set, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, make sure that the wood is of good quality. A cheap set may be made of lower-quality wood that is more likely to warp or break. Secondly, take into account the weight of the pieces. A heavier set will be more difficult to knock over, but may be more difficult to carry if you plan on traveling with it. Finally, consider the aesthetics of the set. A well-crafted wooden chess set can be a work of art, and you’ll want to make sure that it is something you’re proud to display in your home. With a little bit of research, you can find a wooden chess set that is perfect for your needs.

The different types of wood used to make wooden chess sets

Anyone who has ever shopped for a wooden chess set knows that there are many different types of wood to choose from. There’s the classic look of mahogany or rosewood, the warm tones of cherry or walnut, the lightness of maple or birch. But what’s the difference between all these woods, and how does it affect the quality of the chess set? In general, harder woods are more durable and resistant to warping, while softer woods are more affordable. Mahogany and rosewood fall somewhere in the middle, offering a good balance of strength and price. Of course, the type of wood is just one factor to consider when choosing a wooden chess set. The craftsmanship and finishing details are also important factors in determining the overall quality of the set. So whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly option or a luxurious showpiece, make sure to do your research before making your final decision.

How to Choose the Perfect Metal Chess Pieces for Your Collection

Do you love playing chess? If so, you may be interested in collecting metal chess pieces. These pieces are beautiful and unique, and they can really enhance your gaming experience. However, choosing the perfect metal chess pieces for your collection can be tricky. There are a lot of different options available, and it can be hard to know which ones are right for you. In this blog post, we will help you choose the perfect metal chess pieces for your collection!

Consider the metal type

There are many different types of metal chess pieces, and each has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. For example, brass chess pieces are beautiful but can be easily tarnished. Aluminum chess pieces are lightweight but can be dented. And stainless steel chess pieces are durable but can be very expensive. So, when choosing metal chess pieces, it’s important to consider both the aesthetic and the practical. What kind of metal will best suit your needs? And what kind of metal can you afford? With a little bit of research, you’re sure to find the perfect metal chess set for your home.

Consider the weight

Next time you sit down to play a game of chess, take a moment to consider the weight of the metal pieces. Kings and queens, bishops and knights, all of them have a heft that is more than just physical. For centuries, these simple metal figures have been used to symbolize power and authority. They have been placed on the battlefields of history, and used as pawns in the games of kings. Today, they continue to hold a special place in our culture. Whether we realize it or not, the metal chess pieces we so casually move across the board are steeped in meaning and significance.

Consider the price

When it comes to metal chess pieces, the old adage holds true: you get what you pay for. In general, the cheaper the set, the more likely it is to be made of lower-quality metal. This means that the pieces are more likely to tarnish or even break. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but in general, it’s best to err on the side of caution and choose a set that costs a bit more. After all, a good metal chess set can last for years, so it’s worth spending a little extra to get something that will stand the test of time.

Instant Fun – Game Room Games

When you have your own home, you can play, quite literally, by your own rules.. You can paint the walls and ceilings whatever color you want, although a lot of people prefer shades of white and grey, and then you can put whatever furniture you want in the living room, the bedrooms, the dining room, even the bonus rooms. If you are someone that is fortunate enough to have a substantial back yard, you can put whatever patio furniture you want. Plus, you can work on your green thumb and put up your own garden, whether you want it to be a rustic English garden, or a structures and orderly garden full of vegetables, fruits, and some flowers and herbs, you can literally do whatever you want within reason. During the holidays, you can decorate your home accordingly. You can string feet and feet of Christmas lights along the edges and sides of your home so that at night it lights up like a Christmas jewel. During Halloween, you can put lots of scary spooky things like fake cobwebs, flashing lights, scary mood lights, and some dummies of zombies, witches, and ghosts. There are so many things you can take a look at and use to make your home as crazy or as classy as you want it to be. If you are fortunate enough to have a game room, you are fortunate enough to have a room that you can entertain guests, bond with your family and friends, or just express the things that make you happy and interested. You can fill it full of classic and vintage arcade games that bring you back to your teenage years, or you can fill it with shelves of table top games that are both popular and independent, and have a giant table in the middle to let you and the other players play comfortably. Whatever you want to use, game room games are great for creating instant fun.

Some people wouldn’t think about having a room just for games. They might use that extra room instead as an office, or a guest bedroom, or even an extension of their closet.

Game room games means having fun with yourself or with others.

Express Yourself with Custom Chess Boards

Chess is one of those games that has been popular for generations, even hundreds of years. There is something about chess that pulls people in for so long. For one thing you are not playing a game, you are playing an opponent. The rules of the game are standard and there is no making them flexible or easy to break. Instead, you play against your opponent and try to figure out their strategy and what they are thinking in their head. When you are trying to play a game against someone, you are trying to think five steps ahead of them. This is the same in life as it is in the game. There have been so many references to chess and playing chess at home against your partner, or against your colleagues at work. Chess is something that many people understand no matter what country you are in , how smart you are, or how rich or poor you are. There are so many people love to think about the things that make a person tick and what kind of moves they’ll make. When you want to think about all the different moves there could possibly be, it is enough to make your head spin! There are books upon books from years and decades that people have written all about chess and all the different rules and moves you can do. There are even clubs where people just sit around talking and playing chess! When you learn how to play chess, you learn how to play not just a game, but understand the rules of life. If you are decorating your home, you might want to add a chess set maybe in the middle of a coffee table or on top of a dining table, but you don’t want to have a banged up old game board and pieces decorating your space. Instead, think of custom chess boards that are not only beautiful, but express who you are.

Some people like to make really fancy and luxurious looking. Some people use crystal that makes the pieces and the board sparkle in just the right light. There are some people that like to play around with different types of wood for their color and feel. There are even people that like to use themes from their favorite TV shows or movies if they have a sense of humor.

Custom chess boards are something you can play around and have fun with.

Try Wall Chess Once & We Guarantee You Will Never Play on the Board Again

Chess is the smartest game you can play. It is the only game where you have to make your move, expect opponents’ moves, and have multiple game plans at hand. We believe you use more brain power playing chess than any other sport. Plus, the image of intellect it generates for you is a compliment you would definitely want for yourself. So regardless of if you are a seasoned chess player or are just starting your journey in mastering this game of the bright minds. We at Straight Up Chess have developed an elevated version of this game for you, as we take immense pleasure in delivering you Wall Chess. Our version of wall chess is the same game you love, with the only difference being that instead of playing on a table, you have to play standing up as the board is installed vertically as a decoration piece on your wall.

This unique feature allows our chessboard to be a two-in-one feature for you as they are a game board and a decorative piece for your home. They add to the aesthetic of your home, making it look posh and sophisticated, which according to us, is reason enough for you to invest in them. However, the life they add to your house parties and other social gatherings must never be overlooked. They can be the center of attention at all your parties with their interactivity. Plus, the competitive nature they possess the power to bring out in people can make your gatherings memorable and a cut above others. Investing in this Wall Chess from Straight Up Chess is a worthy investment as it can make the family game night exciting.

Therefore, if you want to take your gaming skills and home decor to the next level, investing in the Wall Chess from Straight Up Chess company is the wise move. Visit their website today at to place your online order instantly. With their safe, secure, and swift delivery, you can expect your parcel to be delivered in a couple of working days. Plus, for every order above $150, they offer free shipping. What more could you ask for? So don’t waste another second and place your order instantly.

Have Fun with Game Room Decor

There are so many people that would love to have a game room. A game room is much different than having your living room or bedroom also serve as a place for congregation and fun. For one thing, when you have a room with multiple purposes, it might be more convenient, but it can get really congested. Plus, when a room has more than one purpose, it can feel very disorganized and chaotic, especially when you have friends and family come to visit you. When a room doesn’t have a focus, it can also be hard to sit down and concentrate on having fun, or keeping people in one room to hang out altogether. If you are one of those people that are lucky enough to have an extra room, a rec room, or even a loft in your home, then you are able to dedicate a game room where you and your guests and even just your family can go and decompress and have fun. There are a lot of things you can do with a game room. For one thing, you can set up some couches and a TV and be able to play some video games and be able to crank up the volume since you can close the door and not disturb the rest of the household. You can add some old school arcade games that make you remember what it was like to be a teenager back in the day. You can even have some older school games like chess or monopoly or even just playing cards on a nice big table with a number of chairs. It would also be fun if you included some game room décor to get everyone in the mood to play.

Some people think that the décor is that last item on the list when you are trying to outfit a game room. However, the décor is what will get people to want to keep playing or to get them to want to hang out easily. You don’t need to do a lot of demolition or spend a lot of money to get a good game vibe going. You can just get a few wall hangings or some movie posters or some funny things that make people smile.

Game room décor can be fun and playful, just like you!