Try Wall Chess Once & We Guarantee You Will Never Play on the Board Again

Chess is the smartest game you can play. It is the only game where you have to make your move, expect opponents’ moves, and have multiple game plans at hand. We believe you use more brain power playing chess than any other sport. Plus, the image of intellect it generates for you is a compliment you would definitely want for yourself. So regardless of if you are a seasoned chess player or are just starting your journey in mastering this game of the bright minds. We at Straight Up Chess have developed an elevated version of this game for you, as we take immense pleasure in delivering you Wall Chess. Our version of wall chess is the same game you love, with the only difference being that instead of playing on a table, you have to play standing up as the board is installed vertically as a decoration piece on your wall.

This unique feature allows our chessboard to be a two-in-one feature for you as they are a game board and a decorative piece for your home. They add to the aesthetic of your home, making it look posh and sophisticated, which according to us, is reason enough for you to invest in them. However, the life they add to your house parties and other social gatherings must never be overlooked. They can be the center of attention at all your parties with their interactivity. Plus, the competitive nature they possess the power to bring out in people can make your gatherings memorable and a cut above others. Investing in this Wall Chess from Straight Up Chess is a worthy investment as it can make the family game night exciting.

Therefore, if you want to take your gaming skills and home decor to the next level, investing in the Wall Chess from Straight Up Chess company is the wise move. Visit their website today at to place your online order instantly. With their safe, secure, and swift delivery, you can expect your parcel to be delivered in a couple of working days. Plus, for every order above $150, they offer free shipping. What more could you ask for? So don’t waste another second and place your order instantly.