Everything You Need to Know about Travel Cribbage Boards

Cribbage is a modified form of a card game played using pegs and a board to keep score. It was first played in the 17th Century as a derivative of the game called Noddy. Cribbage has been played for centuries and is an integral part of American culture. However, despite its longtime existence, Cribbage doesn’t have many devoted followers. Those who do follow the game will do anything to stay hooked to the game; this is where the Travel Cribbage Boards come in. Available in a wide variety – 2-inch metal pegs to standard size pegs – you can get Travel Cribbage Boards from Straight Up Chess customized according to your needs as well.

Standard Travel Cribbage Boards comprise of a 2-track cribbage board with swivel compartments, a deck of cards, four metal pegs (2 silver and two gold), a history and instruction manual and a swivel top that opens to reveal the storage compartment holding the pegs and cards. In order to play on Travel Cribbage Boards, you need practice, devotion and skills, which involves scoring points for the runs of sequential cards based on triples, pairs, quadruples, combinations of 15 and flushes. Part of what makes the Cribbage game so unique is the board that is used to play it. Most Travel Cribbage Boards comprise a neatly created track with 121 peg holes, which are used to score points. In simpler words, with every point that players score, they move their pegs in the corresponding number of holes until one player reaches the last hole and wins the game.

Ideally, a game of Travel Cribbage Boards can be played between 2 to 6 people; this can either be two- or three two-person teams or two to three individuals. Moreover, while the gameplay and scoring techniques remain the same regardless of what type of board you are playing on, know that Travel Cribbage Boards vary greatly in design and style. The most common type of Travel Cribbage Boards features a solid yet foldable design rectangular board with two to three tracks that wind around the board, curving twice, a storage compartment and pegs. While some Travel Cribbage Boards might have the same colored tracks, you can also opt for boards having tracks corresponding to the color of the pegs – this makes it easier to keep track of your score. At Straight Up Chess, you can find Travel Cribbage Boards available in a wide variety of styles. So, whether you want a board with a wooden base or a plastic one, a classic design or a creative one, Travel Cribbage Boards from Straight Up Chess have got you covered.