Unplug and Have Fun with a Vertical Chess Board

Are you looking for ways to keep your day fun? If you’re like many of us, you are looking for fun hobbies that will get you away from your phone screen or keyboard. Unplugging is an important part of having a healthy, happy lifestyle that you can really enjoy. It will also help you to spend more time interacting with your family, friends and coworkers face to face, which is so important to our mental and emotional health. If you are excited to find something fun to do that is going to get you back in touch with the people that matter to you, it is a great idea to look for an exciting new game. Chess is a tried and true classic game that so many people around the world love to play. Whether you have been playing for years to are hoping to pick up a brand-new hobby, a vertical chess board is a fantastic addition to your gaming collection.

You might not have heard of vertical chess before, but the concept itself is so simple! Rather than playing a game of chess on a horizontal surface like a table, you take your game to the wall; the pieces are placed on small platforms as they’re moved. But why would you want to do it that way? There are so many reasons! First and foremost, it clears up any space that might be used for a long game of chess. If you are the kind of player that likes to take your time and really contemplate your moves, a chess board can take up space for a while. By putting the board up on the wall, you are still able to use your desk or table while you play. That kind of freedom means that you can take as long as you want! Convenient ‘last move’ markers inform you and your opponent of who went last so that you can walk away and come back as you need to, minutes or even hours later!

In addition to being incredibly practical, it’s also a fun way to play that doubles as a beautiful art piece. Rather than having to find storage for your chess board whenever you are not playing, tucking it away into a shelf or cupboard, you simply leave it on the wall where it can be admired. Enjoy creating your own vertical chess board that fits your unique style and get to playing!